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Discover What’s Been Censored on Reddit with Unreddit

Are you tired of encountering [deleted] tags in Reddit threads where you suspect a lively discussion once thrived? The internet prides itself on being a free space for expression, yet occasionally, conversations are stifled, and comments disappear into the void. This is where Unreddit steps in – a beacon of hope for those seeking the full picture of online discourse.

What is Unreddit?

Unreddit is not just another Chrome extension; it is the key to unlocking the Pandora’s box of censored comments on Reddit. As an innovative tool, it brings to light the comments that have been removed from the public eye on one of the largest community platforms on the web. It’s compatible with both legacy and modern interfaces of Reddit, although it currently operates exclusively on the English versions of the site.

The Problem with Censorship on Reddit

While Reddit is celebrated for its user-driven moderation, this system isn’t without flaws. Community moderators hold significant power, which includes the ability to remove comments at their discretion. However, this power sometimes leads to the suppression of dissenting opinions, even those that do not infringe upon Reddit’s terms of service. In such cases, Unreddit serves as a countermeasure to restore the balance, providing a window to view what was once deemed unfit for the Reddit audience.

How Does Unreddit Work?

Unreddit’s mechanism is straightforward. It keeps a track of Reddit’s comments in real time. When a user employs the Unreddit extension on a thread with deleted comments, it retrieves the content from its database, allowing users to read what was initially posted. It’s a silent observer that remembers the words that Reddit chose to forget.

Experiencing Unreddit in Action

To witness Unreddit’s capability, take any Reddit URL that features removed comments and substitute “reddit” with “unreddit.com” in the web address. Pressing enter leads you to an alternative view of the thread, revealing all comments that have been erased from the original site.

symbols inside the green sign on blue background

The Bigger Picture with Voat.co

For those who seek a platform with fewer restrictions, voat.co is presented as a solution. Voat.co prides itself on being an uncensored alternative to Reddit, where freedom of speech is held in high regard, and community governance is less restrictive.


Unreddit emerges as an essential tool for transparency, echoing the values of free speech and information access. Whether you’re a researcher, a curious bystander, or someone who values the unaltered truth of public discourse, Unreddit provides a glimpse into the raw, unfiltered world of community interaction. It serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between moderation and censorship, prompting a dialogue on the responsibilities that come with the power to control the narrative.

As the internet continues to evolve, tools like Unreddit will play a pivotal role in shaping its landscape. They stand as guardians of dialogue and debate, ensuring that even when a comment fades from a thread, it doesn’t fade from history.